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Whole Issue
Competition Law Review - Volume 2 Issue 1
(992 KB)
Editorial: Developing Due Process in EC Competition
Alan Riley
(103 KB)
Some Reflections on the Dynamics of the Due
Process Discourse in EC Competition Law
Renato Nazzini
(374 KB)
This article discusses ‘due process’ requirements
in the application and enforcement of EC competition law. It proposes
an analytical model whereby ‘due process’ requirements are
categorized as elements of sub-systems interacting with each other.
These sub-systems include international law, Community law, national
laws, and aspirations of the users of the system. The article tests
the application of the model by looking at the principle of ne bis in
idem (double jeopardy), the privilege against self-incrimination, legal
professional privilege, and the role of complainants and third parties
in national proceedings. It concludes that the dynamic process of adoption
and definition of standards of procedural fairness facilitates both
vertical interaction between the Community legal order and the legal
systems of the Member States and horizontal interaction between the
legal systems of the Member States. This on-going process shifts the
focus from national law requirements to the transnational dimension,
which becomes the common ground for policy discussion, enforcement practice,
and decision-making. This dynamism is conducive to ‘spontaneous
harmonization’, a process of convergence which is more suited
to the highly technical and context-specific nature of certain procedural
requirements than harmonization through binding measures.
The Protection of Legal Professional Privilege in EU Law and the Impact of the Rules on the Exchange of Information within the European Competition Network on the Secrecy of Communications between Lawyer and Client: one step forward, two steps back?
Arianna Andreangeli
(359 KB)
This article discusses the current degree of protection
afforded to legal professional privilege in the context of the framework
for the enforcement of Articles 81 and 82 EC Treaty resulting from the
‘Modernisation Regulation’ No 1/2003. After examining the
notion of lawyer-client confidentiality existing under both English
law and the European Convention on Human Rights, it will assess the
concept of privilege enshrined in Community law, according to the case
law of the ECJ. Thereafter, the article will analyse the impact of Article
12 of Council Regulation No 1/2003, which allows for the exchange and
use in evidence of information collected by the Commission and the National
Competition Authorities on the present standards of protection of legal
professional privilege. Finally, it will address the issue of whether
these standards can be redefined in a manner which takes into account,
on the one hand, the effective protection of privilege in the ‘decentralised’
enforcement framework established by Regulation 1/2003 and, on the other,
the need for the application of binding ethical rules on legal advisers
in the interest of the proper administration of justice.
The Commission's Policy on Recidivism: legal certainty for repeat offenders?
Kristina Nordlander
(257 KB)
This paper discusses the application by the European
Commission of recidivism as an aggravating circumstance in competition
law cases. It considers the largely unexplored questions of the legal
basis for recidivism; the application of recidivism as an aggravating
factor in the calculation of a fine and, in particular, whether the
Commission should be able to treat recidivism as a perpetual aggravating
circumstance without regard to the time limit that elapses between the
relevant infringements. It concludes that the Commission’s current
policy, which does not recognise any period of limitation for recidivism,
may not respect the basic principles of proportionality and legal certainty.