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Whole Issue
Competition Law Review - Volume 1 Issue 1
(1.24 MB)
(94 K)
Spontaneous Harmonisation of National (Competition)
Laws in the Wake of the Modernisation of EC Competition Law
Hans Vedder
(287 K)
Criminal Sanctions for Competition Law: A Review
of Irish Experience
Patrick Massey
(298 K)
Ireland's national competition legislation, like that
of many EU Member States largely mirrors the basic prohibitions on anti-competitive
behaviour contained in Articles 81 and 82 of the EC Treaty. Breaches
of Irish competition law constitute criminal offences and, in the case
of cartels, managers and directors of offending firms may be imprisoned
if convicted of such behaviour. The concept of an administrative fine,
which exists in many other EU Member States, is not recognised under
Irish constitutional law. Penal sanctions may only be imposed on parties
found guilty of a criminal offence. The Competition Act, 2002 provides
that breaches of Articles 81 and 82 constitute criminal offences. This
paper reviews experience of the application of national competition
legislation in Ireland and assess the implications of such experience
for decentralised application of EU law in Ireland. It also considers
arguments for and against criminal penalties for breaches of competition
The Application of EU Competition Law by the
Belgian Competition Authorities and Judges: Is Belgium Prepared for
the 'New Regime'?
Yves Montangie
(314 K)
Private Antitrust Law Enforcement in Italy
Paolo Giudici
(388 K)