to Join the Forum
There are two forms of Membership of CLaSF
Individual Membership
Corporate Membership
A Guide to Annual Individual Membership of CLaSF:
1) New Members should provide the following personal details.
Individual Members 
Existing Members need not provide their personal details again unless they wish to inform us of any changes.
2) Provide your personal details, by email or post, and make out a cheque, or email us for bank transfer details, for the appropriate
membership fee payable to the 'Competition Law Scholars Forum': £50, €50 or $60.
3) Send the details and the cheque to the Vice Chair at the address below.
A Guide to Annual Corporate Membership of CLaSF:
1) New Members should provide the following contact details.
Corporate Members 
Existing Members need not provide their details again unless they wish to inform us of any changes.
2) Provide your personal details, by email or post, and make out a cheque, or contact us for bank transfer details, for the appropriate
membership fee payable to the 'Competition Law Scholars Forum': £1,000 or €1,000.
3) Send the details and the cheque to the Vice Chair at the address below.
Contact Details
Prof Barry Rodger
c/o Law School
Lord Hope Building
University of Strathclyde
G4 0LT.
United Kingdom