Competition Law and Pricing MechanismsA CLaSF WorkshopBird & Bird, Thursday 1 May 2014 IncludingPricing Practices and Competition Law in the CMA Interpreting the As-Efficient Competitor Test Following the ECJ Post-Danmark judgment Post-Danmark’s Recoupment Requirement The Intel Case between Tomra Systems ASA, the Commission’s Guidance on enforcement Priorities and the alleged infringement of procedural requirements: no fat left on the bone? The Regulation of Margin Squeeze in the European Union and the intersection of competition law and sector-specific regulation Margin Squeeze and Predatory Pricing Margin Squeeze amid the Modernisation of Article 102 TFEU: Confirmation of the Effects-based Approach or a Misrepresentation? Every Crime Leaves a Trace: Cartels' Strategic Noise Creation and the Implications for Screening Resale Price Maintenance As A Response To Loss Leader Selling: A Good Defence? Scottish Minimum Alcohol Pricing and Competition |
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