Competition Law in Leisure MarketsA CLaSF WorkshopIE Center for European Studies, Friday 26 September 2014 IncludingGoogle’s Anti-competitive and Unfair
Practices in Digital Leisure Markets Up in the Air: Enforcing Competition Law
through Commitment Decisions Premiership
Rugby Union: a cartel? Spanish ‘soccer war’: antitrust litigation
over broadcasting rights The Striani’s
Challenge to EUFA Financial Fair Play: A
New Era After Bosman or just a washout? The break-even rule of the UEFA Financial
Fair Play Rules under EU Competition Law “You’re either with us or against us” The
role of EU competition law in tackling
abusive conduct by sports associations The Real
Madrid case: A state aid case (un)like any
other? Entertainment made in Spain: Competition
in the bullfighting industry |
• ©2003-2009 Angus MacCulloch & Andrew
Matthews • |